Business Development
Effectiveness, productivity, morale and quality of work life impact on the achievement of organisational goals.
We'll help you maximise your investment in your employees by :
Assessing staff effectiveness
Recommending interventions such as:
Organisation restructure
Interpersonal relationships
Group dynamics/Social dynamics
Goal setting
Aligning personal goals with business goals
Leadership/ Management development
Implementing interventions
Monitoring interventions
Any questions about how we can help to make your staff happy and effective?
A successful business depends on how well your business goals are aligned to your operating processes and structure
We help with :
Assessing the health of your business
Reviews/ Interviews/Liquidity & Solvency tests
Defining business objectives
Recommending interventions
Quality process controls
Designing structure based on objectives
Operating process/ Internal controls & quality controls
Implementing interventions
Monitoring interventions
Any questions about how we can help facilitate your process develeopment?